Holistic health testimonials tell the real story of how effective a more natural approach can be: (these patients consented to our use of their words; it has been my privilege to see them in my office near Augusta, Georgia, at Aiken-Augusta Holistic Health. )
July 27, 2010
Dear Dr. Pendergrast,
I want to update and thank you for your CD of medical hypnosis for healing and stronger bones. Upon completing a 25-day teaching tour, we were set to catch a plane back to Tucson on June 4, 2010. That morning while walking our grandson to school I stepped in a pothole and twisted my ankle… badly. X-rays later verified a Jone’s Fracture (proximal 5th metatarsal bone) of my right foot. I recalled having reviewed your CD when you first released it and now have a reason to put it to the test. I have been listening and using your CD of medical hypnosis for stronger bones on a daily basis. There is no doubt in my mind that the fracture is healing more rapidly and more comfortably as a result of your soothing voice and therapeutic hypnotic suggestions.
I remember our first meeting in my class on mind-body healing methods with clinical hypnosis when you were a Fellow at Dr. Andrew Weil’s Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine. I am so glad that you have taken such a strong interest in integrative medicine and especially in medical hypnosis. I have had the privilege of being part of your training… and now I am privileged to be benefiting from your medical hypnosis audio program on healing bones. It doesn’t get any better than this. Thank you again for creating this wonderful CD!
Dr. Steven Gurgevich
Clinical Asst Professor of Medicine
Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine
University of Arizona College of Medicine
“In September 2008 I became very sick from some kind of physical ailment and stressed out from an unwanted divorce. It took all I had to get up and go to work everyday. Finally I went to my family doctor and she ran some tests, and I tested positive for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). It hurt to move, to walk, to turn over in bed.
I searched for a Holistic doctor and found Dr. Pendergrast at Aiken-Augusta Holistic Health. When I went for my appointment, I walked as slow and as painful as a cripple does. I was swollen and bent over like an older person, He listened, really listened and made notes of my information. He came up with a simple plan, and scheduled me to come back the next week for a more comprehensive follow up. The instructions included diet, elimination, meditation and and some herbs. 4 months later, I finally felt some relief from the pain! 6 months later I was walking straight, almost normal. The sick feeling I had was finally gone. Today, I am 80 % better, walking normal, with no pain most of the time, working everyday, cooking, cleaning, visiting, going to church and much more happier with the situation I was dealt with. I have bad days, maybe one or two a month, but not at the severity the initial illness was. What I eat and drink really affects RA.
Without Dr. Pendergrast I would be crippled today, maybe worse. I thank God everyday for him and his wife Gail, a Health and Life coach teaching me how to become well again.”
Carla Lynn Norton
Beech Island,SC
September 15, 2010
Dear Dr. Pendergrast,
I recently attended a three day outdoor painting workshop requiring me to be on my feet for about 8 hours a day. After the workshop, I was totally exhausted and my muscles were very painful. Massage therapy and chiropractic didn’t bring much relief. After playing the audio CD of our last clinical hypnosis session, I found most of the pain melted away. I was totally amazed and wanted you to know how much you have helped me.
June 14, 2010.
Hi Dr. Pendergrast,
I give thanks for my great good fortune in working with you to heal from very stressful nerve pain in my legs. Working with you is healing in itself, and the gradual physical and emotional healing I’m experiencing feels remarkable.
For ten weeks now, using the CD’s from our sessions together, I practice self-hypnosis at least once every day. After my 2nd appointment with you, I had an afternoon and evening of no pain, not even a hint of the typical pain pattern of the last nine months. Since then, I’ve experienced nothing this dramatic until last week. Several times now, I’ve received release from pain through my practice. It doesn’t “stick” yet for long periods of time, but I think I’m turning a strong, positive corner towards getting off medications.
As a member of a Religious Order, I am slowly returning to a more normal workday, thanks to this valuable, often prayerful, practice I’ll use the rest of my life.
Thank you!
Sister Linda Elston
June 2010
Dear Dr. Pendergrast,
I just wanted to let you know that I’m feeling much better.
I have strictly cut out all caffeine and nuts (including peanut butter, which was difficult!!) I have also almost virtually eliminated high fructose corn syrup, which is to say no soft drinks either! I discovered that all of these things were common in my diet. In eliminating caffeine and high fructose, the only thing left to drink is water, so my water intake has risen greatly. I actually even see my anxiety decreasing, since I’m not so worried I’ll have a stomach episode.
Thank you for taking the time to listen and think and help me out with a problem that has plagued me for years.
Andrea McLane
One patient’s experience with clinical hypnosis, January 2010:
I first went to see Dr. Pendergrast after a traumatic stay in the hospital where several different teams of doctors tried to increase my circulation so that I would not have a toe amputated… because of the onset of a Raynaud’s (Scleroderma) extreme reaction. The hospital was concerned that with such compromised circulation … that performing an amputation on a toe or toes could possibly lead to losing the foot. I was sent home with many medications including Warfarin in an attempt to get more circulation to the right foot. After a month, the situation had not worsened, but neither had it improved.
I was referred to Dr. Pendergrast and his method of hypnotherapy to increase blood circulation. My first session was most helpful in lowering my anxiety level but I was absolutely amazed that evening when I was applying medication to my toes that I could actually see an improvement. I had not been thinking of or expecting any results from an introductory visit. I had not even had the time to do a practice session at home as it was an afternoon appointment and this was early evening. I was tremendously heartened and practiced each day with my self hypnosis CD from Dr. Pendergrast and returned for two more visits, noting continuing improvement over the next weeks. The visiting nurse and the original attending doctor were amazed at the progress we had been unable to make before the hypnotherapy began.
I noted that along with the increased circulation, my (hypnotherapy) sessions … seemed to lessen my extreme anxiousness and my darker thoughts.
I see so much improvement since I began with Dr. Pendergrast. I have been able to taper down and off some of the medications and am hoping to remove two more so that I will be working with the minimum medication that is absolutely necessary. I have recovered my spirit, which I thought was barely a small spark on the verge of flickering out, and each day I feel stronger, calmer and in charge of helping my body to heal.
C.L.H., Aiken, South Carolina
And this is just of the beginning of the stories I have to share on this site. Check back for more holistic health testimonials soon!
Robert Pendergrast, M.D.
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